French media in Hong Kong and Macau [fr]

China Perspectives

China Perspectives : academic journal in English or French devoted to all aspects of the study of contemporary China published every quarter by the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China.

Hong Kong Echo

Hong Kong Echo : quarterly magazine in English published by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hong Kong.

La French Radio

La French Radio Hong Kong : Online radio for French, French-speaking and French-loving people with a daily news flash (Hong Kong, Macao, Mainland China), news from the French community and entertainment programmes, debates and interviews on cultural and economic issues as well as events in the region.

JPEG Hong Kong/Macao/Shenzhen edition : general online newspaper for French expatriates and Francophone communities in southern China.


Paroles : French and Chinese bi-monthly magazine published by the Alliance française de Hong Kong.

Trait d’union

Trait d’Union : monthly magazine for the francophone community in China edited by Version Française.

publié le 16/08/2023

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