"Health Economics, an international workshop of the Institut Pasteur International Network, Ho Chi Minh City, 4-7 December 2017 [fr]

HKU-Pasteur Research Pole and the Institut Pasteur in Ho Chi Minh City, members of the Institut Pasteur International Network, are co-organizing the international workshop "Health Economics", with the support of the Pasteur Foundation Asia, Sanofi-Pasteur, and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
This workshop will be held at the Training Center of the Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Miçnh City, from 4 to 7 December 2017.

Deadline for application: 22 September 2017.

The course is specifically designed for health personnel, mainly but not exclusively from countries in South East Asia, including medical and health professionals, policy makers, disease researchers interested in expanding their critical understanding of the complex economic issues in health sector administration.

The course will be taught in English. Trainees should have a clear understanding of spoken and written English. Limited to 24 participants.

The workshop will provide basic theory of health economics including socio-economic concepts, methods to define, measure and analyse costs of health policies, as well as comparative analysis of health systems.

Participants will be trained to the planning of public health responses, based on the interactive teaching carried out by expert faculty. Training sessions will cover cost effectiveness analysis of vaccination programs and other interventions, design of surveys, resource allocation strategy.

The workshop will also address how the implementation of these different types of measures is translated into the everyday life of target populations.

No registration fees – Support for accommodation will be provided to participants – Deadline for applications 22 September 2017 - Limited to 24 participants.

To learn more about this workshop, please visit HKU-PRP website or follow the laboratory’s latest news on its Facebook page.


publié le 10/07/2017

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