The President of "Université de Nîmes", Emmanuel ROUX, came to visit the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) [fr]

The President of "Université de Nîmes" (Unîmes), Emmanuel ROUX, came to visit the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) for future academic collaborations.

The "Université de Nîmes (Unîmes)" gather around 5000 students and offers 37 different degrees in several domains (such as Arts; Law Economic Management; Literature History; Psychology; Sciences), including:

  • 10 Bachelor degrees
  • 12 professional Bachelor degrees
  • 8 Master degrees
  • 7 University Degrees

In order to create future exchange programs (students and/or reaserch-teachers), the Université de Nîmes offers besides their programs above, 2 innovative research programs:

  • one program on natural, chronic and industrial risks: CHROME (Characterization and management of
    CHROnicand eMErgingrisks)
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    (PDF - 2.1 Mb)
  • and the other program on design: PROJEKT, (Social Innovation through Design).


Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) offers among their programs, a "Higher Diploma", in domains such as: Design Fundation Studies; Communication Design and Digital Media; Fashion and Image Design; Product and Interior Design, which could be in collaboration with the Université de Nîmes. For further information on the HKDI Desis Lab.


(from left to right) Anne DENIS-BLANCHARDON (Councilor for Cultural Cooperation and Affairs - Consulate General of France) ; Magnum LAM (Project Coordinator External Affairs Office - HKDI) ; Niki SHEK (Manager Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration - HKDI) ; Emmanuel ROUX (Président - "Université de Nîmes") ; Justine ONG (Scientific Officer - Consulate General of France)

publié le 03/07/2017

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